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    Artemis Lifestyles Blog

    Holiday Decorating in Your HOA Community
    Holiday Decorating in Your HOA Community Setting up a yard display of twinkling decorations is part of what makes this time of year so magical. If you live in an HOA community, it’s essential to review the rules your HOA board has set for decorating your space to avoid hassle and prevent violations. Following these guidelines ensures your holiday cheer doesn’t come at the expense of community harmony. Your HOA is tasked with maintaining property values, keeping your neighborhood orderly, and fostering a sense of community. Any rules about holiday decorating are designed with these goals in mind. Below are some common guidelines you may encounter to help you stay compliant while creating your holiday displays.
    3 min read
    HOA Yard Care 101: Tips to Keep Your Lawn Violation-Free
    For those of us living in an HOA community, keeping a maintained lawn should always be a priority. One of your Homeowner’s Association’s jobs is to help maintain the property values of your community, and keeping your lawns and the exteriors of your homes looking beautiful is one of the ways that goal is accomplished. Not to mention the benefit to you and your neighbors of living in a well-maintained community where everyone plays their part. A well-maintained space means picturesque lawns as much as it means that you won’t have to worry about any debris blocking sidewalks or any overgrown lawns attracting bugs or pests. The lawn regulations your HOA board decides on are there to help ensure your community meets these lawncare goals, but taking care of a lawn is not entirely different from tending a garden – the ubiquitous grass can make us forget that this humble plant still needs attention and care to flourish as much as possible. Read on for a comprehensive guide to taking care of your grass as we enter Florida’s dry season, as well as some helpful information to better understand lawncare year-round, giving you a beautiful space to be proud of—and of course, to help you avoid those violations! Ready to enhance your community with beautifully maintained lawns? Reach out to Artemis Lifestyles today!
    5 min read
    What a Lifestyles Director Brings to Your Florida HOA or COA
    With Artemis Lifestyles in our name, we claim to know a lot about creating exciting community culture for our residents, especially here in Florida! But many people new to living in HOA or COA-managed communities may not know the ins and outs of everything a Lifestyles Director can actually do for your neighborhood. A Lifestyles Director is an incredible resource that can turn life in your community into an experience that reaches far beyond the doors of your home.
    4 min read
    Homeowners Association document on a wooden desk with a blue highlighter and miniature house models, representing HOA governance and policies.

    4 min read

    The Role of an HOA and What Every Resident Should Know
    Ashley Sorto
    The Role of an HOA and What Every Resident Should Know
    Row of cars parked neatly in a community parking lot.
    Outdoor Christmas display featuring a lighted reindeer and colorful wrapped gifts.

    3 min read

    Holiday Decorating in Your HOA Community
    Kaley Gatlin
    Holiday Decorating in Your HOA Community Setting up a yard display of twinkling decorations is part of what makes this time of year so magical. If you live in an HOA community, it’s essential to review the rules your HOA board has set for d...